You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.1. Maintenance - Edit User IDs > Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 3. Mail Setup

Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 3. Mail Setup

The User File Update screen - Mail Setup tab is where you setup a user's email details and security.

  1. Add a new user, or open an existing user's record.

Refer to "Adding a New User" or "Updating a User".

Micronet displays the User File Update screen - Main tab.

  1. Select the 3. Mail Setup tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Use SMTP for sending mail

Select the method Micronet should use to communicate with your mail server for sending mail. Options are:

  • Use MAPI to Send Mail - allows you to integrate sent mail back to the user's Outlook Sent Mail box
  • Use SMTP to Send Mail - uses SMTP to communicate directly with your mail server.



Technical Tip

If you select the MAPI option:

  • An individual account must be setup in Outlook for each user wanting to email from Micronet.
  • As this email is integrated to another program, the following message will be displayed to users each time an email is sent:



SMTP Server

If you chose the SMTP option, enter the address of the SMTP server.



Enter the port number for the SMTP server.


SMTP User (Optional)



SMTP Password (Optional)



SMTP From Name

Enter the name of the sender.


SMTP From Email Address

Enter an email address for the sender.


SMTP Domain



Use POP3 for receiving mail

Select the method Micronet should use to communicate with your mail server for receiving mail. Options are:

  • Use MAPI to Receive Mail - allows you to integrate received mail back to the user's Outlook Mail inbox
  • Use POP3 to Receive Mail - uses POP3 to communicate directly with your mail server.


POP3 Server

If you chose the POP3 option, enter the address of the POP3 server.


POP3 Port

Enter the port number for the POP3 server.


POP3 User



POP3 Password



Last Name

2.8 Feature

If you want this user's details to print and display on purchase order documents, enter the following details.

Enter the user's last name.


Company Position

Enter the user's position title.


Email Address

Enter the user's email address.


Phone Number

Enter the user's phone number.


Mobile Number

Enter the user's mobile number.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.